X if it’s true that the ancient founders chose the site after consulting the omens, then, and also because we have lived there a long time, the place is so sacred to us that we cannot abandon it.
X about
without architecture,
there would be no
without architecture,
there would be no "brick"
para aquellos que no regresan en vida, siempre está la muerte / Veronica Gaona

plight of the Albatross / Connie Fu
science at the club: putrefaction as an artistic medium / Angel Lartigue
parábola ii /
Juan Betancurth and Alejandro Penagos
to excavate is to destroy / Angel Lartigue
aesthetics of mobility /
GeoVanna Gonzalez and Najja Moon
la tierra tuya es una digna sepultura /
Antonia, Jessica Carolina Gonzalez, Veronica Gaona, Erick Zambrano, and Junior Fernandez
Science at the Club: Putrefaction as an Artistic Medium / Angel Lartigue
Thu, June 24, 2021, 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Science at the Club explores the architecture of the nightclub space as a nucleus for queer testimony, relating it to a judiciary courtroom well. This performance challenges legal doctrines of forensic identification and the binary of life and death, by transforming biological and forensic material into ephemeral essences within the performance of the dance floor. Divided into case studies surrounding my performances at nightclubs, research courses taken in human remains recovery, and visits to various burial sites of South Texas. I pull from a variety of interdisciplinary studies relating to queer death theory, building on José Esteban Muñoz’s notion of “disidentification”in relation to the human corpse, racial politics in science, and the biological arts in a nightclub context. Science at the Club creates a catalyst platform challenging racial and scientific histories of the body and land within the current U.S. political climate, while exploring questions of resurrection and disintegration with a focus on the language of forensics and identity.

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